Helps you to study the central activities of a business to learn accounting principles. This title presents a user/decision-making approach, combined with the necessary coverage of GAAP, to help yo…
The concept of community of practice was not born in the systems theory tradition. It has its roots in attempts to develop accounts of the social nature of human learning inspired by anthropology a…
Its coverage includes: crisp sets, type-1 fuzzy sets and associated concepts [including a short biography of Prof. Zadeh (the father of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic)], type-1 fuzzy set defined, lingu…
Intermediate Accounting presents accounting from the perspective of the essential activities of business: operating, investing, and financing. Students will see accounting as it is in the real worl…
ntroduction to Accounting – This Indonesian adaptation combines the popular and widely used book Principles of Accounting in the world by James M. Reenve, Carl S. Warren, and Jonathan E. Dunchac,…
existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence. a summary of the contents of a book, article, or formal speech. an abstract work of art. that which is abstract…
The Leadership Challenge seeks to guide how leaders and “leaders” hone their leadership skills to do extraordinary things. This book helps develop your capacity to guide others through unexpect…
Apa pun tujuan Anda, kebiasaan Atom menawarkan kerangka kerja yang terbukti untuk menjadi 1% lebih baik setiap hari. James Clear, salah satu pakar terkemuka dunia tentang pembentukan kebiasaan, men…
The eighth edition is designed for business students who are or who will soon become business professionals in the fast-changing business world of today. The goal of this text is to help business s…
Strategic Management at all levels. Also courses in strategic marketing, organization theory, decision theory, public administration, and political science departments. Breaking away from the tradi…
12: The Elements of Great Managing is the 2006 sequel to 1999's First, Break All the Rules, written by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. Based on Gallup's proprietary Q12 survey from the mid-1990…
introduction to Business Law demonstrates the relevance of key areas of the law to a world of work that the business student can relate to. Students
Mathematics Dictionary is the process of extracting the underlying structures, patterns or properties of a mathematical concept, removing any dependence on real world objects with which it might or…
An updated and revised version of the bestselling The Leadership Pipeline – the critical resource for how companies can grow leaders from the inside. In business, leadership at every level is …
Buku Akuntansi Keuangan edisi 16 ini berisi pembahasan topik-topik yang relevan dengan perkembangan bisnis terkini yang dikaitkan dengan standar dan aturan akuntansi terbaru disertai pendekatan yan…
Buku Sistem Informasi Akuntansi edisi 4 ini memuat berbagai revisi dan perubahan terbaru dengan isi dan bab yang lebih terstuktur. dengan luasnya cakupan topik sistem informasi akuntansi (SIA) yang…
As the importance of accounting information systems (AIS) grows in the world of business today, so does your need for a solid background in this critical area. "Accounting Information Systems, 7E" …