The Harbrace College Handbook is a compact yet comprehensive guide for writers. Its approach is practical, the advice clearly and concisely stated. Throughout the text, abundant specific examples t…
C. Vann Woodward, who died in 1999 at the age of 91, was America's most eminent Southern historian, the winner of a Pulitzer Prize for Mary Chestnut's Civil War and a Bancroft Prize for The Origins…
The Preface stresses that the book is addressed mainly to operating department personnel. Therefore, the title is misleading. For a book containing broad aspects of traditional operating technigues…
This basic maternity textbook emphasizes normal childbearing and women's health. It focuses on caring and nursing competencies, with the content being supported by nursing research. Using a nursing…
We initiated research studies on the postharvest physiology of cut flowers almost 20 years ago, when the floriculture industry in Poland began to grow. At that time, like most flower growers in our…
Buku Manajemen Merger dan Akuisisi ini ditulis dari perspektif Eropa, karena mengambil gagasan, refleksi dan pengalaman ratusan manajer Eropa senior. Ann McDonagh Bengtsso, seorang konsultan manaje…