This concise, easy to use text includes all the essentials of human disease and pathophysiology. It includes information for allied health professionals, including licensed practical nurses, surgic…
Given the sharp rise in medication administration errors, effective venipuncture and intravenous therapy have never seemed more critical to the overall health of patients. Intravenous Infusion Ther…
Firms with superior IT governance have more than 25% higher profits than firms with poor governance given the same strategic objectives. These top performers have custom designed IT governance for …
The ninth edition of Advanced Accounting includes 21 chapters designed for financial accounting courses beyond the intermediate level.
This is a special international edition of an established title widely used by colleges and universities throughout the world. Pearson Education International published this special edition for the…
Memberikan Anda pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan untuk meraih kesuksesan di dunia bisnis! Akuntansi Manajemen edisi ketujuh memberikan pembahasan yang mendalam atas topik-topik tradisional seperti job …
This edition explains how emotions are the foundation of employee motivation, attitudes, and decisions; how social networks generate power and shape communication patterns; how self-concept influen…
International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition, 12th Edition, by Ball, Geringer, Minor and McNett continues to be the most current, objective and thorough treatment of International Bu…
Wonderful photo about New England Wilds