The importance of the activity in foreign exchange occur as the result of the development of internationaltrading and increased international money and capital movement. The vast development of in…
Buku ini ditujukan sebagai buku ajar untuk mata kuliah Akuntansi Lanjut yang diambil mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi sesudah mereka menyelesaikan mata kuliah Akuntansi Intermediate. Isi buku edisi k…
Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan yang secara geografis terletak antara dua benua dan dua samudera dikenal dengan sebutan Indonesia Locked Country. Posisinya yang strategis itu sangat menguntungka…
Open Source Technology (OST) is now a powerful platform that has aptitudes in different extents. It provides many in-built software applications (e.g., Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox etc.) at no…
Manajemen kinerja tradisional mempunyai kelemahan-kelemahan dan tidak sesuai lagi diterapkan oleh organisasi bisnis dalam memasuki persaingan yang sangat ketat di pasar global. Manajemen kinerja tr…
. Metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menganalisis data yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor penyebab kesulitan regenerasi atlet NPC di DIY. Sumber data menggunakan sample purposive yang…
The academic material in a tangible book does not need to be a composition, nor be called a book. Books can consist only of drawings, engravings, or photos, or such things as crossword puzzles or …
The eighth edition of Hansen & Mowens Managerial Accounting introduces students to the fundamentals of management accounting. Many business school students who are required to take a course in mana…
Memberikan Anda pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan untuk meraih kesuksesan di dunia bisnis! Akuntansi Manajemen edisi ketujuh memberikan pembahasan yang mendalam atas topik-topik tradisional seperti job …
Cakupan dalam buku ini meliputi masalah, tema dan prinsip-prinsip yang menjelaskan apa artinya menjadi perawat pada jaman ini. Membahas teori yang perlu diketahui siswa dan cara menerapkannya pada …
Buku ini memberikan panduan yang mudah bagi pemula dalam memahami Bahasa Python. Pada bagian awal, pembaca diajarkan bagaimana me-running program Python dalam system tanpa dan dengan Anaconda, kemu…
introduction to Business Law demonstrates the relevance of key areas of the law to a world of work that the business student can relate to. Students
Psychological and educational testing seems to be ubiquitous in our society, and its presence is growing throughout the world.
Synopsis BUSINESS AND SOCIETY: ETHICS AND STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT uses a thoughtful presentation of cutting-edge research along with 37 case histories to help students understand the relationships …
The continual development and refinement of enterprise information systems is essential for organizational advancement. Enterprise Information Systems Design, Implementation and Management: Orga…
Providing the most up-to-date and thorough coverage of cost management topics, Mowen/Hansen's INTRODUCTION TO COST ACCOUNTING, International Edition provides students with a solid foundation with i…
In Cornerstone, traditional coverage meets well developed pedagogy (cornerstones) and real world connection through the use of a REAL feature company (The Real Kicker) providing students with a sol…
n Cornerstone, traditional coverage meets well developed pedagogy (cornerstones) and real world connection through the use of a REAL feature company (The Real Kicker) providing students with a soli…