Buku ini mendefiniskan sistem pengendalian manajemen sebagai sistem yang menyampaikan informasi yang berguna untuk membantu manajer dalam mengambil keputusan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi yang d…
The New Greek/English Interlinear New Testament contains a literal word-for-word English rendering of the Greek text in interlinear form. A parallel column of the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV…
Interest in the use of electrophoretic displays for smart handheld applications has grown tremendously over the past few years. Since the launch of the Philips and E Ink joint development effort in…
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) adalah suatu sistem formal dalam sebuah organisasi untuk memastikan penggunaan bakat dan kompetensi manusia secara efektif dan efisien guna mencapai tujuan-tuju…
This book presents 46 case studies in finance, targeted toward upper-level undergraduates and introductory and intermediate-level MBA students. The purpose of these cases is to afford the basis for…
From Heidi Neck, one of the most influential thinkers in entrepreneurship education today, Chris Neck, an award-winning professor, and Emma Murray, business consultant and author, comes the new edi…
Entrepreneurship is the ability to manage domestic affairs needs to be improved to optimize the standard of living in the future. Entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship) is currently a problem within…
Applied Mergers and Acquisitions aims to present a one-volume coverage of practice and research in a way that is both pragmatic and rigorous. This document gives an overview of the book and contain…
Kita hidup dalam masyarakat yang pola kepercayaannya beraneka ragam.Adakah kita bingung menghadapi bermacam-macam pandangan dan konsep agama. Mana yang benar? Dunia ini satu Penciptanya satu pula. …
A inserção da Igreja Adventista do Sétimo Dia (IASD) em terras brasileiras é constituinte do espectro maior da empreitada estadunidense no Brasil, que, tendo feito da Europa solo fértil para e…
Kiyosaki expands on his belief that the school system was created to churn out 'Es' / Employees...those "A Students" who read well, memorize well and test well...and not the creative thinkers, visi…
Edisi kelima buku Akuntansi Keuangan tulisan Robert Libby, Patricia Libby, dan Daniel Short ini berisi materi yang merupakan pengembangan dari kebanyakan buku teks akuntansi. Penulis mencoba menjel…
or undergraduate and graduate courses in Organizational Behavior and Organizational Psychology in Management and Psychology departments. This text takes a balanced approach to Organizational Beh…
Corporate Information Strategy and Management: Text and Cases 8/e by Applegate, Austin, and Soule is written for students and managers who desire an overview of contemporary information systems tec…
Business Math Essentials is a brief, workbook style text for the first course in business math. This nine chapter, paperbound book begins with "The Basics" (addition, subtraction, multiplication an…
With its three-pronged approach of concepts, applications, and skill development, MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTALS: CONCEPTS, APPLICATIONS, SKILL DEVELOPMENT gives you a solid foundation of management conce…
McGraw Hill Education, 2012. 4th edition. Softcover. New. Designed to facilitate active learning, Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices meets the needs of instructors looki…
This book is dedicated to the development of decision-making skills in marketing. The material introduces concepts and tools useful in structuring and solving marketing problems, while class tested…
Menemukan banyak tip praktis dan juga dan juga alat-alat untk menerapkan Six Siga dibanyak lingkungan bisnis.
Management Control Systems helps students to develop the insight and analytical skills required of today's managers. Students uncover how real-world managers design, implement, and use planning and…
Manajemen operasi dan rantai pasokan (operations and supply chain managementOSCM) adalah sebuah elemen penting dalam meningkatkan produktivitas pada bisnis di seluruh dunia. Topik-topik utama dalam…