This book hits us where we live. yet it does not condemn- but tells us how to be parents in a different and constructive fashion. it is compassionaate without being permissive.
When the tree of us decided to write a book,we were united by one strongly held principle:Corporate finance should be developed in terms of a few integrated.
Business Processes represent one of the core assets of organisation for many reason.they have direct impact on the attractiveness of products and servis,influence costumer experiences and ultimatel…
Pemuridan dan amanat agung merupakan dua sisi dari sebuah keping mata uang-tak terpisahkan dan berkaitan satu sama lainnya. Persoalannya ialah bagaimana pemahaman dan pendalam kita tentang amanat a…
Pemanfaatan potensi chlorella hingga abad sekarang belum terwujud sepenuhnya. Apabila dikaji secara keseluruhan chlorella beeran penting untuk kehidupan di planet Bumi misalnya pada waktu lampau ch…
THE RESOURCEFUL TEACHER Series One of the secrets of teaching a foreign language successfully lies in balancing routine classroom work with innovative and creative activities and techniques. This…
The study of human behavior is considered one of the most interesting and stimulating courses any student can learn about. Nothing else has such an immediate personal relevance as the phenomenon …
Pembahasan buku ini meliputi upaya meningkatkan kualitas organisasi publik dalam arti proses/dinamis, serta dilengkapi dengan desain MSDM yang lebih menekankan nilai kemanusiaan. Titik tekan MSDM y…
This is a study of the catastrophe of acid rain: where it comes from, how it is formed, and what its effects are on land, water, air, vegetation, animals, and thus on people food, and industry …
Buku Ini berisi Cara Melatih paara pekerja awam yang baru melewati masa pengangguran mereka. Tersedai jadwal belajar dan apa yang akan mereka lakukan pada saat mereka bekerja. Untuk mendapatkan Ija…
This Book has been written with the intent of presenting nursing research in an interesting and informative manner. Notice that "interesting" came before "informative"
Materi yang dibahas dalam buku ini meliputi : ▪ Informasi Umum Mata Ajar KDM ▪ Prosedur Pemeriksaan Fisik Umum ▪ Prosedur Kebutuhan Oksigenasi ▪ Prosedur Kebutuhan Nutrisi …