This text provides a clear, concentrated, and up-to-date review of today’s “need to know” knowledge for effective psychiatric and mental health nursing. Developed and reviewed by a large team…
Uji pengetahuan Anda tentang Alkitab dengan 365 Tanya Jawab, Taka-teki, Kuis Alkitab! Setiap hari dalam satu tahun, Anda akan mendapat lima pertanyaan pengajaran, benda-benda dan juga fakta-fakt…
Ready, set, knit! Part primer, part piects, and part pep talk, this han guide includes what you need to know to make fun projects you can use yourself or give to others. From choosing yarn and ne…
An obscure author once wondered, "Why write another marketing re-search book?" (Lehmann, 1979). Much to the delight of the author, the book of which he spoke actually sold several copies, so many t…
Fokus akuntansi manajerial terletak pada bagaimana seharusnya manajer menggunakan data akuntansi di dalam organisasinya untuk merencanakan, mengendalikan, dan membuat keputusan. Akuntansi manajeria…
buku ini menekankan pada penggunaan informasi akuntansi dalam lingkungan bisnis saat ini sehingga menyediakan topik-topik dan perkembangan terkini pada bidang tersebut. Dengan demikian, buku teks y…
Simply Hebrew is a biblical hebrew textbokk that comes with a distinctive Philosophy for teaching the language. The Book concentrates on the basic ask facing most biblical hebrew astudents; the tas…
Pharmacology meets the rapidly emerging needs of programs training pharmacologic scientists seeking careers in basic research and drug discovery rather than such applied fields as pharmacy and medi…
This concise, easy to use text includes all the essentials of human disease and pathophysiology. It includes information for allied health professionals, including licensed practical nurses, surgic…