Provide an approachable, superbly written introduction to economics that allows all types of students to quickly grasp economic concepts and build a strong foundation with Mankiw’s popular PRINCI…
Buku ini merupakan pengantar untuk memahami jasa auditing dan jasa-jasa assurance lainnya. Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk dipakai dalam mata kuliah satu triwulan atau satu semester pada jenjang sarjana…
This innovative, easy-to-understand best-seller offers complete coverage of the entire audit process, taking the reader step-by-step through each audit cycle, then showing how each step relates to …
This book begin with a description of assurance service, including auditing, and the role of certified public accounting firms and other organizations in doing audits. this background will help you…
Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach presents an integrated concepts approach that shows students the auditing process from start to finish. This text prepares students for real-…
Buku edisi ke-15 ini berisi cakupan terintegrasi tentang perkembangan standar auditing internasional dan menekankan isu-isu yang mempengaruhi audit entitas multinasional. Buku ini menyediakan cakup…
Jasa Audit dan Assurance: Pendekatan Terpadu (Adaptasi Indonesia) Buku 2 menawarkan kenyamanan dan kemudahan dalam mempelajari jasa audit dan assurance, terutama dalam konteks Indonesia. Buku ini m…
Buku Buku Auditing & Jasa Assurance Jilid2 Edisi15 ini menyediakan cakupan yang up-to-date mengenai konsep auditing yang diakui secara global dengan contoh-contoh praktis dari implementasi konsep-k…
market-leader now brings two new co-authors (Elder & Beasley) aboard! The new edition is available in two versions, has a new Chapter 8 on "Client Business Risk," a heavy integration of information…
For the core auditing course for accounting majors. This Global Edition has been edited to include enhancements making it more relevant to students outside the United States An integrated and curre…
this is a special international edition of an established title widely used by colleges and universities throughout the world. pearson educational international published this special edition for t…
Auditing juga disebut pemeriksaan akuntansi. Isinya mengenai kegiatan kantor akuntan publik (KAP). Misalnya, audit siklus penjualan dan penagihan, penggajian, perolehan barang, dan persediaan. Buku…
An Integrated, Up-to-Date Approach to Auditing and Assurance Services Comprehensive and up-to-date, including discussion of new standards, codes, and concepts, Auditing and Assurance Services: A…