This book is divided into fourteen chapters, including the social impact of the computer; history;computer hardware; the language of computers;advanced system concepts; word processing and computer…
Learn how to manage change while gaining acceptance and commitment from employees. This highly-praised book combines theory and practical application in such areas as incentive plans, personnel pol…
Provides an introduction to management information systems for undergraduate and MBA students. Explores today's leading-edge topics including electronic commerce, electronic business, intranets and…
Over thirty years and ten best-selling editions, Kieso and Weygandt have built a reputation for accuracy and comprehensiveness. The latest edition, a personal milestone for the authors maintains th…
Buku Manajemen Merger dan Akuisisi ini ditulis dari perspektif Eropa, karena mengambil gagasan, refleksi dan pengalaman ratusan manajer Eropa senior. Ann McDonagh Bengtsso, seorang konsultan manaje…
The ninth edition of this text incorporates feedback from student and professor focus groups and teleconferences as well as extensive reviewer surveys. The book includes conceptual discussions of s…
Buku ini berisi kumpulan Peraturan-peraturan PSSI atau disebut juga Persatuan sepakbola seluruh Indoensia. Di dalam buku ini menjelaskan secara rinci bagaimana Pelaksanaan permainan, cara bermainan…
Memahami seluk-beluk hubungan antarmanusia merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Inilah pernyataan dasar pengarang buku ini, Dr. Thomas Gordon, seorang ahli psik…