Penyusunan buku ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan dan tantangan UKM di Indonesia saat ini yang begitu pesat. Membantu para pembaca dari berbagai kalangan praktisi, akademisi untuk menamba…
We often hear of the urban: sociology, psychology, geography and even urban music! We are in a new cultural explosion, with new models of behavior, attitudes and forms of coexistence, which are ev…
biblical theology may be defined as theological interpretation of Scripture in and for the Church. It proceeds with historical and literary sensitivity and seeks to analyse and synthesize the Bible…
Keilmuan Dasar Keperawatan berfokus pada ilmu yang membentuk pemahaman paradigma, profesi keperawatan, dan konsep pertumbuhan dan perkembangan manusia serta pemahaman akan beberapa teori keperawata…
Seiring dinamika bisnis dalam era globalisasi, produk akuntansi keuangan menjadi makin kompleks dan harus dapat dibaca dan digunakan oleh para pemangku kepentingan yang tersebar secara global. Ikat…
Open Source Technology (OST) is now a powerful platform that has aptitudes in different extents. It provides many in-built software applications (e.g., Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox etc.) at no…
Manajemen kinerja tradisional mempunyai kelemahan-kelemahan dan tidak sesuai lagi diterapkan oleh organisasi bisnis dalam memasuki persaingan yang sangat ketat di pasar global. Manajemen kinerja tr…
The development of an increasingly modern era makes the financial behavior of people in Indonesia tend to be more hedonism and consumptive. This trend is caused by many people buying something th…
Within Muslim community, mosque is place for congregation, a centre of excellence for knowledge, economic pursuit and community services, giving religious instruction and political discussions. Mos…
"Modern Financial Management", by Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe is a popular textbook that emphasizes the modern fundamentals of the theory of finance, while providing contemporary examples to make …
Kehadiran buku Pengantar Bisnis: Mengelola Bisnis dengan Perspekstif Indonesia ini diharapkan mampu memberi sumbangan yang sifatnya mendasar dengan memperkenalkan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaan bisnis…
The best-selling Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (FCF) is written with one strongly held principle that corporate finance should be developed and taught in terms of a few integrated, powerful ide…
Salah satu cara efektif pengajaran manajemen adalah penggunaan metode kasus (case method), yang membawa kasus pengalaman manajerial dan bisnis nyata ke dalam kelas sebagai sarana (vehicle) memperte…
The aim of palliative care is to improve the quality of life of people living with serious chronic illnesses such as cancer,cardiac failure,aszheimer's disease and renal failure
This text addresses contemporary changes in health care, recognizing that health care costs have led to shorter hospital stays and a shift to health care provided in the community and the home.