This document is one of five volumes of technical reports resulting from abroad scientific inquiry about television and its impact on the viewer.
This book provides that of other insurance texts. Its content and organization reflect the results of a survey in which I asked several dozen insurance teachers what kind of textbook they would …
You are not to be interested, at this point, in becoming entangled with the theoretiical principles of student teaching. You would more likely prefer to develop working principles in the dynamic se…
Buku ini berisi Psikologi yang dasar-dasar. Dimana buku ini menjelaskan Buku mengenai bgaimana seseorang dapat bertindak dengan baik dan melakukan orang orang yang terganggu dengan gangguan jiwa me…
Memahami seluk-beluk hubungan antarmanusia merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Inilah pernyataan dasar pengarang buku ini, Dr. Thomas Gordon, seorang ahli psik…
Educational psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the scientific study of human learning. The study of learning processes, from both cognitive and behavioral perspectives, allows re…
Buku kecil ini merupakan program perkuliahan semester Dasar-Dasar Kependid ikan, yang bermaksud menggambar- kan tentang: apa yang diharapkan dicapai (tujuan), apa yang akan dipelajari (pokok bah…
This Book Grew out of the Intersection Of Our Personal Experience of Liberal education with our professional orientation as behavioral Scientist.
Dalam buku kecil ini tidak mungkin kita mengadakan tindjauan tentang ajaran2 filsafat dan faktor sosiologis (Kemasyarakatan) yang kesemuanya memberikan pengaruh yang tidak sedikit terhadap keadaan …
like many others pastor, i learned little about counseling in seminary, so i began with virtually no knowledge of what to do
Sebagai suatu kerajaan maritim yang memiliki armada angkatan laut yang ampuh dalam kerangka penguasaaan selat malaka dan selat sunda, ia juga merupakan pusat studi agama budha.
Pendidikan sangat penting dalam kehidupan, baik dalam kehidupan seseorang, keluarga,maupun bangsa dan negara. Maju mundurnya suatu bangsa banyak ditentukan oleh maju-mundurnya pendidikan bangsa itu.
The Material In This publication was prepared pursuant to a contract with the national institute of education, U.s. The field of adult nonacademic ESL has changed tremenddously over the past ten y…
Ada semacam anggapan yang diterima umum dalam dunia pendidikan, yang mengatakan bahwa proses belajar setiap orang berlangsung sepanjang hidupnya, tidak terbatas pada masa dewasa dan pada senja kehi…
This wasa powerful approach to teacher ducation. It held almost undisputed sway for twenty years. It ended with a crash in 1930-1934 as economic depression, among others factors, lowered the boom o…
Education and the teacher is an exiting, absorbing introduction to the study of education. It present in clear, concise logic the vital rolethat education plays in a democratic society, sketches t…
The business manager who hopes to be known as a good communicator must be well versed in several aspects of management and communication.
Terminology in the field of teacher education lacks much in precision and uniformity. Several terms are used interchangeablyandrather loosely; others are cmmon only in certai types of institutions …
University have existed for nearly a thousand years. Thir periods of vitality have been marked by passionate debates among professors. A clash of opinion has often been the prelude to a fruitful de…