He was small skinny puppy the runt of thr litter. But to tom clude, prince was the best dog in the world. Tom never dreamed that his scrawny pup would some day become one of the most famous dogs in…
Principles and Measurements in Environmental Biology aims to provide an understanding of some important physical principles and their application in biology. The book also aims to describe how inst…
Tremendous Strides have been made in the study of animal parasites and parasitism since 1963 when " the biology of animal parasites" the progenitor of this volume, was completed. A result of new di…
The ability of living organisms to extract and transform enerrgy from the environment and use it for manipulating materials to assure their own maintainance, growth, and reproduction .
This volume represents the third edition of a book originally entitled Textbook of Clinical Parasitology (1942). It differs somewhat in organization from earlier editions in that chapters which dea…
During the first decades of the twentieth century, WASP elites in the U.S. got themselves into quite a tizzy about sex and race. Metaphysical threats, like the death of “virgin forests,” the …
Buku fisika ini tersedia dalam satu volume tunggal ataupun dalam dua bagian yang terpisah: bagian 1 memuat mekanika ,bunyi dan panas, dan bagian 2 memuat elektromagnetisme, optika dan fisika kuantu…