Dewasa ini, semakin rumitnya pekerjaan di bidang perpustakaan men untut pustakawan dan pakar informasi berwawasan lebih luas, antara lain menguasai statistika. Pengetahuan statistika sederhana seba…
The sixth edition of Basic Histology continues to be a compact, well-illustrated exposition of basic facts and interpretation of histology for medical students and others in the life sciences. Bear…
The man has sice times immemorial beem interested in his surrounding. He has unravelled the mysteries of nature and life, and has been trying to produce life in the laboratory.
This is the first book in over 70 years to give a full and dynamic picture of the world's troppical forest from the standpoint of plant ecology and physiology of tree growth
Through one winner, Diana Kappel-Smith searched for life in the woods and hills of new england, eager to learn where the rich and bountiful life of summer goes and how it manager to cope
Tidak banyak buku yang tersedia yang khusus membidangi praktikum anatomi dan fisiologi perawatan. Itulah sebabnya penulis merasa terdorong untuk menyusunnya. Telah diusahakan agar materi praktikum…
This book considers the pattern of population fluctulations of animals and intraspecific social relationship by means of comparative methods and discusses the evolution of population regulation mec…
sungguhpun pembangunan telah berjalan ratusan tahun di dunia, namun baru pada permulaan tahun tujuhpuluhan ini dunia mulai sadar dan cemas akan pencemaran dan kerusakan lingkungan hidup, sehingga m…
dalam hubungan antara makhluk hidup sebagai suatu kesatuan dengan lingkungannya, dimana di dalamnya tercakup fakto-faktor fisik,biologik,sosioekonomi dan juga politis. Hubungan ini bersifat timbal …
Ekologi Adalah ilmu pengetahuan tentang hubungan antara organisme dan lingkungannya. Reiter mengemukakan istilah tersebut pada tahun 1865 dengan menggabungkan dua kata dari bahas yunani , logos, ya…
Every species is confined within a certain rsnge of conditions . that range many be wide or narrow depending on the species, and it is the purpose of this book to examine how this comes about.
Oceanography is the scientific study of the sea. During the century since its beginings in the round the world vogaye of the challenger expedition study of the ocean has changed the way we view and…
The Current widespread interest in environmental problems has added the word ecology to everyone's vocabulary: yet vew appreciate the scientific bases of the subject. With this brief and clearly wr…
Symbiosis the study of how organisms of different species live together is ana area of modern biology that not only has immediate practical interest.
Change is one characteristic of an ecosystem. Species composition,various rate processes, degree of complexity and the like all vary with time. Displacements in ecosystem structue and function may …