Create profitable brand strategies by building, measuring, and managing brand equity Kevin Lane Keller is recognized as one of the international leaders in the study of strategic brand managemen…
“Jika anda dapat mengukur kinerja, maka anda akan mudah mengelolanya,Jika anda mudah mengelolanya, maka anda akan mudah mencapai tujuan” Banyak manajemen yang kurang paham dalam menentukan I…
Offers a treatment of traditional topics in strategic management. This text provides coverage of contemporary topics such as digital and internet strategies, innovation and corporate entrepreneursh…
12: The Elements of Great Managing is the 2006 sequel to 1999's First, Break All the Rules, written by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. Based on Gallup's proprietary Q12 survey from the mid-1990…
"Human Resource Management, Eighth Edition", continues to present both the theoretical and practical aspects of HRM. The theoretical material is presented throughout the text and highlighted via a …
he process of accepting and preparing abstracts for presentation at an academic conference. The process consists of either invited or proffered submissions of the abstract or summary of work. The a…
the process of accepting and preparing abstracts for presentation at an academic conference. The process consists of either invited or proffered submissions of the abstract or summary of work. The …
Ilmu Gizi cepat sekali berkembang dan peranan pentingnya dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia semakin diakui.
When a firm decides to do international business, it will have to deal with three kinds of environments when operating
Management strategies are a collection of processes that businesses use to ensure their activities remain aligned to the company's mission, objectives and strategic plan.
The purpose of this paper is to assess the acquired knowledge of university management students on strategy and strategic management concepts. Phenomenography was used in the analysis and a collect…
Modul praktikum ini merupakan modul mandiri bagi mahasiswa dan dosen pengampu untuk lebih aplikatif dalam belajar berwirausaha bagi mahasiswa tingkat diploma. Modul ini dirancang untuk mahasiswa Di…
he Strategy Process is a truly original and authoritative strategy textbook. The author team of Mintzberg, Lampel, Quinn and Ghoshal introduce a richness of theory and practice into this text, offe…
manajemen investasi adalah proses membangun portofolio saham, obligasi, dan instrumen investasi lainnya sesuai dengan tujuan kamu.
Strategic management is the set of managerial decision and action that determines the long-run performance of a corporation. It includes environmental scanning (both external and internal), strat…
Operations management focuses on carefully managing the whole process to produce products or services economically. It utilizes the system view that underlies modern quality management thinking
Akuntansi keuangan pemerintah daerah merupakan bagian dari akuntansi sektor publik yang mencatat dan melaporkan semua transaksi yang berkaitan dengan keuangan daerah yang di dalamnya termasuk ben…
Strategic Management in Action, 4/e is clearly differentiated from other volumes by its conversational writing style, increased use of pedagogy, and emphasis on readers doing strategy. The volume e…
survey of strategic management. Briefest concepts section in the market at 350 pages. Practical, skills focus with over 50 experiential exercises in the concepts portion. All cases are written excl…
Etzel, Walker, Stanton’s Marketing, 12th Edition will continue to be a low-cost alternative in a paperback format, now including free access to PowerWeb. It incorporates technology throughout; in…
Bearden et al. take a cutting edge approach to marketing. This text continues to be a leader in the coverage of the most recent marketing thought
The excitement, challenges, and controversies of global marketing. Global Marketing strives to reflect current issues and events while offering conceptual and analytical tools that will hel…
Luthans: Organizational Behavior was the first mainstream organizational behavior text on the market and continues its tradition of being the most current and up to date researched text today. The …
With its three-pronged approach of concepts, applications, and skill development, MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTALS: CONCEPTS, APPLICATIONS, SKILL DEVELOPMENT gives you a solid foundation of management conce…
McGraw Hill Education, 2012. 4th edition. Softcover. New. Designed to facilitate active learning, Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices meets the needs of instructors looki…
People and their performance are key to an organization's effectiveness. This review describes an evidence‐based framework of the links between some key organizational influences and staff perfor…
Knowledge Management explores the concept of knowledge management (KM) from a leadership and strategic management perspective, providing a detailed overview of the process of designing and introduc…
introduction to Business Law demonstrates the relevance of key areas of the law to a world of work that the business student can relate to. Students
pendekatan yang komprehensif dan seimbang atas berbagai aplikasi manajerial yang saling berkaitan dengan perilaku pelanggan. Edisi ini mencerminkan berbagai hasil riset terbaru dan tren yang terjad…
systematic set of procedures for recording and reporting measurements of the cost of manufacturing goods and performing services in the aggregate and in detail. It includes methods for recognizing,…
Pengetahuan umum yang baik dalam bidang keuangan merupakan hal penting bagi keberhasilan usaha, dan lingkup kerja seseorang, entah dari bagian pemasaran maupun jasa, berencana melakukan usaha untuk…
Accountability, Changes and Challenges, Globalization, Public Sector, Value forMoney Audit
Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk memperkenalkan perpajakan sebagai bagian dari disiplin akuntansi keuangan, yang pada dasarnya menitik beratkan pada masalah pokok penggolongan, pengakuan, pengukuran dan/…
Now in its 11th edition, this best-seller is renowned for its excellent blend of theoretical and applied material, comprehensive support package and applicable real-world examples. In addition to i…
Student Study Guide to accomapny Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 3/e
The limitsof the rational approach
The best-selling Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (FCF) is written with one strongly held principle that corporate finance should be developed and taught in terms of a few integrated, powerful ide…
Kami persembahkan buku ini yang berjudul AKUNTANSI SEKTOR PUBLIK, Organisasi Nonlaba (Revisi Pertama), yang berisi tentang organisasi nonlaba yang paling utama adalah organisasi Pemerintahan, yaitu…
This book is dedicated to the development of decision-making skills in marketing. The material introduces concepts and tools useful in structuring and solving marketing problems, while class tested…
Manajemen operasional adalah upaya untuk mencapai tingkat efektivitas dan efisiensi yang maksimum dalam hal penggunaan sumber daya perusahaan.
We also faced similar difficulities when we were students, and we understand how you feel. But now, with the Crafting and Executing Strategy
enelitian ini mengklasifikasikan artikel berdasarkan topik dan metode penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa topik yang paling banyak digunakan dalam penelitian akuntansi sektor publik…
Menemukan banyak tip praktis dan juga dan juga alat-alat untk menerapkan Six Siga dibanyak lingkungan bisnis.
Manajemen produksi dan operasi adalah serangkaian kegiatan atau aktivitas untuk menciptakan, mengkoordinasi, mengatur dan mengelola operasional sistem dengan memanfaatkan semua sumber daya yang dim…
Management Control Systems helps students to develop the insight and analytical skills required of today's managers. Students uncover how real-world managers design, implement, and use planning and…