Buku ini disususn untuk digunakan sebagai informasi mengenai jenis-jenis pencemaran air dan udara, sumber-sumber pencemaran, pengaruh pencemaran terhadap makhluk hidup serta cara-cara untuk mengont…
Buku latihan dBASE III Plus Lanjut ini merupakan lanjutan dari Buku Latihan dBASE III Plus Dasar. Buku ini ditujukan bagi mereka yang benar-benar ingin menguasai pemrograman lanjut menggunakan dBAS…
Ogata harnesses the power of MATLAB™ to provide students with an effective approach to control systems analysis and design. After a brief introduction to the theory of linear, time-invariant cont…
The Blair Research Bulletins are already established, the world over, as leading documents in the complex issue of water supply: building, maintaining and producing quality water supply whilst givi…
This one-of-a-kind handbook is more than a collection of over 600 of the latest commonly used integrated and discrete-component circuits; it's also a practical, step-by-step troubleshooting guide. …
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. Expanded edition of a comprehensive text for nurses caring for seriously ill or injured children and their families. Addresses physiology, pathophysiolo…
Buku ini memberikan pengetahuan kepada pembaca dalam hal memilih makanan, cara menyediakan makanan serta cara kita menggunakan makanan guna meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya makanan…
This text brings together the information needed for both the maternity and pediatrics portions of the RN curriculum. Designed for programs that teach this content in an abbreviated time period, an…
An instructor's manual containing chapter summaries, transparency masters, discussion questions, computerized tests, and case analyses is available for those who wish to use our experiences with th…
The rich know that times of greatest crisis are often the greatest opportunities to acquire wealth. In this book Robert Kiyosaki teaches how to build your financial ark to navigate turbulent econom…
Buku ini adalah salah satu volume dari empat volume buku standar perawatn pasien. Standar perawatan yang diberikan berdasarkan sistem organ dan tumbuh-kembang , standar perawatan pasien dapat digun…
Caring isn’t a frill. It delivers results. And for some unenlightened managers, learning to care can be a matter of corporate life or death. Managing from the Heart is the story of Harry Hartw…
Accounting Information Systems, 3e provides thorough and up-to-date coverage of accounting information systems and related technologies. It features an early presentation of transaction cycles plus…
Pengalaman menangani proses perencanaan selama bertahun-tahun dengan beragam jenis organisasi klien telah mengarahkan penulis pada kesimpulan bahwa ada tiga fase yang harus dilalui oleh manajer dal…
Pengalaman menangani proses perencanaan selama bertahun-tahun dengan beragam jenis organisasi klien telah mengarahkan penulis pada kesimpulan bahwa ada tiga fase yang harus dilalui oleh manajer dal…
this book contain Business management courses are among your best tools to push your general management career to exactly where you want to be. Wondering just how business courses can help you revi…
The book starts with an overview of Shareware, then discusses where to get Shareware and how to download it. Technical hints are provided to help users save money. There is also an extensive sectio…
First edition inscribed by author. This is a lesser known but extremely important piece to an ever growing issue. Large companies shifting focus onto growth and development within an ever diversify…
This book is about people at work in all kinds of organizations and how they may be motivated to work together more productively. the book has been tested on the firing lline in university classroo…
Secretary office procedures involve communication. Whether a secretary is on the phone or talking face-to-face with clients or coworkers, secretaries often serve as the middleman to companies. Mana…
Accounting Information Systems, 3e provides thorough and up-to-date coverage of accounting information systems and related technologies. It features an early presentation of transaction cycles plus…
Materi yang disajikan dalam buku ini merupakan pengenalan ringkas mengenai manajemen operasi. Dalam pembahasannya juga disajikan contoh dan pembahasan perusahaan manufaktur maupun jasa. Tujuan mena…
We initiated research studies on the postharvest physiology of cut flowers almost 20 years ago, when the floriculture industry in Poland began to grow. At that time, like most flower growers in our…
Accounting Information Systems, 3e provides thorough and up-to-date coverage of accounting information systems and related technologies. It features an early presentation of transaction cycles plus…
This Publication contains important information on vegetable production, problem, research accomplishments, research needs adn future directions for south Asian Countries. Together with the special…
Environmental Pollution and Control, Third Edition focuses on the aspects of environmental engineering science and technology, including water pollution, wastewater, sludge treatment, and water pol…
standar perawatan pasien dpat digunakan oleh peserta didik keperawatan dan perawat di berbagai jenjang profesi keperawatan: manajerial, pendidikan , pelayanan di rumah sakit , dan komunitas
Learn how to manage change while gaining acceptance and commitment from employees. This highly-praised book combines theory and practical application in such areas as incentive plans, personnel pol…