The illustrations all in colour in the pages off this book will surely appeal, and be a great source of pleasure, to everyone who has a real affection for dogs. Here are dogs both large and small. …
Explores aquarium life and technology, with instructions on how to recreate natural conditions in an aquarium and descriptions of families of aquarium plants and fish
Buku ini antara lain menjelaskan tentang mengenal profil dan dinamika proyek. Dalam pendahuluan terdapat dua ungkapan asing "doing the right things (efficient)" dan "doing things right (effective)"…
This edition represents the first attempt in organizational behavior texts to fully integrate technology. Each copy of OB 8/E includes a CD-ROM containing the text and video shot specifically for t…
A truly practical accounting and financial dictionary. Going way beyond simple definitions, it provides professionals with the practical guidance they need to understand and solve problems--includi…
Detailing more than 4000 varieties, a quarter of which are illustrated in colour, this is a guide to the identification, care and propagation of house plants. Coverage of their history and origins,…
market leader is appropriate for MBA and undergraduate level courses in accounting information systems. The 8/e is extensively rewritten (almost 100 pages shorter) and includes a new two-color desi…
Buku ini ditulis atas keinginan dan dorongan berbagai pihak untuk menambah buku-buku Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Dalam buku Manajemen sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) ini diuraikan hamper semua hal ya…
this book have a such a point, it is tempting to use the preface both to justify the way topics are treat in the book and extend them by adding insights and information acquired after the printing …
Tanggapan terhadap tiga edisi buku ini sebelumnya cukup luas dan berbeda-beda. Organisasi-organisasidalam beberapa bidang gerak telah memanfaatkan buku ini dalam berbagai cara – tidak hanya di am…
Tanggapan terhadap tiga edisi buku ini sebelumnya cukup luas dan berbeda-beda. Organisasi-organisasidalam beberapa bidang gerak telah memanfaatkan buku ini dalam berbagai cara – tidak hanya di am…
The book has edgewear and rubbing. It has some handling marks. The book is a tight copy. No underlining, highlighting or margin notes. A previous owner's name has been crossed out on the closed pag…
Buku ini mencoba meliputi secara lengkap fungsi-fungsi masnajemen personalia. pembahasan dimulai dari bagian satu yang merupakan pendahuluan, diikuti dengan bagian-bagian dua sampai dengan enam yan…
Aspek-aspek ekonomi manajerial dalam manajemen bisnis total diulas secara menyeluruh. Pembahasannya selalu dikaitkan dengan permasalahan bisnis modern yang aktual serta contoh penerapannya dalam bi…
Manajemen operasi mencankup paduan topik-topik akuntansi,tehnik industri,manajemen,sains manajemen,dan statistik.pekerjaan manajemen operasi bisa menentang,penting dan sangat memuaskan serta dapat …
Telah lama dketahui dan diinsyafi pentingnya memelihara kesehatan tubuh guna kehidupan yang senang, kesanggupan melakukan suatu pekerjaan dengan baik, dan melawan serangan penyakit, dst.
Indispensable for management, here are tested tools for measuring the quality of a company's internal accounting control and assuring compliance under the law. Filled with guidance for policy and s…
Provides an introduction to management information systems for undergraduate and MBA students. Explores today's leading-edge topics including electronic commerce, electronic business, intranets and…
This text thoroughly prepares your first-year accounting students for the future. It exposes them to the entire accounting cycle, and a variety of business situations. It is the only text that cove…