Buku Management: theory and practice ini terdiri dari: Part 1: Management and its environment 1. What is management? 2. The corporate framework 3. The external framework Part 2: The beginnings of m…
Initial contact with the pediatric patient demands an ability to relate knowledge gained in the classroom to the performance of nursing skills in the clinical setting. This concise, field-tested ha…
These Working Papers are to be used in the study of chapters 1-17.. Forms are provided for: Work Together exercises On Your Own excercises Application Problems Mastery Problems Challenge Problems R…
This in-depth presentation of consolidation explains each topic with a discussion of contemporary accounting theory and practice. An abundance of examples and illustrations—e.g. partial working p…
A revision of one of the classic management textbooks, the Tenth Edition features a new pronounced emphasis on global management. The research and examples have been thoroughly updated to reflect h…
Over thirty years and ten best-selling editions, Kieso and Weygandt have built a reputation for accuracy and comprehensiveness. The latest edition, a personal milestone for the authors maintains th…
Dalam dunia yang sangat kompleks tempat kita hidup sekarang ini, tidak seorang pun dari kita yang tidak perlu mengetahui pemasaran.
Century 21 Accounting Celebrates 95 Years of Excellence! South-Western's 95 years of accounting leadership is the culmination of generations of commitment to teacher and student needs. Why do thous…
Hundreds of new drawings and observations are featured in this edition of the classic anatomical text covering in detail cytology, embryology, osteology, arthrology, myology, angiology, neurology, …
Buku Manajemen Merger dan Akuisisi ini ditulis dari perspektif Eropa, karena mengambil gagasan, refleksi dan pengalaman ratusan manajer Eropa senior. Ann McDonagh Bengtsso, seorang konsultan manaje…
Athletics And The Heart Is a auniq text that examines the relationship between athletics and the heart. The Reader is provided datailed coverage on the way the heart functions and adapts under diff…
Buku ini merupakan pegangan praktis bagi para ahli jantung, Ahli kesehatan anak, Ahli penyakit dalam ,ahli kebidanan dan sebagainya, dalam menangani berbagai kasus kelainan jantung yang terdapat pa…
The latest topics are presented in this book including TQM, measuring cost of quality, JIT, ABC, back flush costing and activity-based management. As all businesses are different there is no one ac…
The ninth edition of this text incorporates feedback from student and professor focus groups and teleconferences as well as extensive reviewer surveys. The book includes conceptual discussions of s…