Tujuan utama sains manajemen adalah untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan terkait pengambilan keputusan yang di hadapi dan membingungkan manajer,baik perusahan yang bergerak dalam sektor publik maupun s…
Buku ini menyediakan beberapa contoh untuk menjelaskan konsep dan point yang di sampaikan.pembaca juga akan mendapati di sepanjang buku ini berbagai contoh dalam bidang bisnis yang berbeda-produksi…
The seven edition is designed for business student who are or who will soon become business professionals. by teaching student how to use and manage infomation necessary to become skilled knowledge…
Preparing You For the New World of Adverting and Promosition
This text describes how database management systems provide design tools used by information systems proferssionals and accuntants to build accounting systems.
When the tree of us decided to write a book,we were united by one strongly held principle:Corporate finance should be developed in terms of a few integrated.
Business Processes represent one of the core assets of organisation for many reason.they have direct impact on the attractiveness of products and servis,influence costumer experiences and ultimatel…
This is the tenth edition of the first strategically focused consumer behavior textbook ever published. Sinced its first edition(issued in 1978), this book has centered on the examination and appli…
The book designed ti help the leader learn marketing management concepts and apply them to solves business problems. Marketing is the driving force that helps firms succeded in the new are of the i…
For undergraduate and graduate courses in advanced accounting Advanced Accounting, Twelfth Edition is an in-depth guide to accounting that reflects the most up-to-date business developments. This …
Dengan Food Combining, kita bisa makan enak dan tetap sehat. Kelebihan berat badan berangsur-angsur berkurang, hingga tubuh menjadi langsing. Sebaliknya, tubuh kurus akan menjadi berisi. Bonusnya: …