Perjalanan seorang anak revolusi yang pulang kampung karena ayahandanya jatuh sakit. Dari seputaran perjalanan itu, terungkap beberapa potong puing gejolak hati yang teka pernah teranggap dalam geb…
English for Specic Purposes in Theory and Practice is a three-part collection of articles reviewing the literature and illustrating common themes in the areas of English for Academic Purposes (…
Moves Into atenth edition with its trademark clear instruction in critical reading and analysis, Argument, And Research techniques, enhananced by a collection of thought-Provoking readings both tim…
Successful writers understand their audience and the purpose of their writing and can craft a voice that suits the context and follows the conventions of the genre and medium in which they are writ…
Dia sahabat gue. Setelah menanti selama 13 tahun, akhirnya kami saling memiliki. Bukan sekadar sebagai teman saja, tapi dia menjadi sahabat gue selamanya, teman hidup gue. Kisah kami bukanlah kisah…
With millions of copies sold, the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is the style manual of choice for writers, editors, students, educators, and professionals in psycholo…
Buku in imemberikan sedikit [edoman atau "hints" yang bersifat praktis berupa TIPS kepada para pembaca berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman lapangan yang dimiliki penulis dengan harapan dapat mem…
The Harbrace College Handbook is a compact yet comprehensive guide for writers. Its approach is practical, the advice clearly and concisely stated. Throughout the text, abundant specific examples t…
The fourth edition of this acclaimed handbook continues to offer both a comprehensive reference to stylistic principles and rules and an accessible guide to the full writing process. Written by two…
isi buku ini sangat diperlukan oleh calon penulis yang sudah mapan. Mass media di Indonesia memerlukan penulis yang tangguh dan kreatif. Mereka perlu didorong dan dimotivasi agar menjadi oenluis ya…
Buku ini terdiri dari beberapa tahap. Tahap pertama adalah meletakkan dasar-dasar yang paling fundamental bagi kemahiran bahasa itu, sebagai tercermin dalam bab-bab mengenai Pungtuasi, Kalimat dan …
The subject matter of this book has been divided into three parts. First part deals with Personal Letters; second part covers the Formal Letters and third part is based on Business Letter Writing.