. Nationally and internationally known, respected and used, the text provides readers with the skills they need to design and implement a research investigation and critically evaluate published re…
Graduates of professional nursing/midfery academy or faculty are expected to apply an extensive body of scientific and cultural knowledge to help solve client problems. Manya client who enter healt…
The Fifth Edition of this popular text continues to present--in a clear, concise manner--essential information on nursing care of the elderly. This edition offers updated content and an emphasis on…
...a basic text that combines concepts and clinical nursing care focusing on health promotion and self-care...helps students to meet the challenge of servicing a variety of needs and in a wide rang…
GERIATRIC NURSING & HEALTHY AGING provides thorough coverage and understanding of promoting healthy aging when caring for older adults. It covers the relationship between the student and the elder …
This book, edited by Eliopoulos with 23 contributors, is intended to serve as a resource for nurses who work with older adults in community, acute care, and long-term care settings. Eliopoulos has …
Book description: This comprehensive textbook covers all the major concepts of health promotion and disease prevention for all population groups including individuals, families, and communities. It…
This widely used reference continues to be a reliable guide for both students and nurses involved in constructing individualized patient care plans. It is the first care plan reference to include c…
A study guide to accompany the main text of the same title that introduces nursing research andd teches how to read and interpret published nursing research, exploring and demystifying all aspects …
Pendekatan praktis yang meliputi seluruh dasar-dasar ilmu keperawatan maternitas. Buku Ajar Keperawatan Maternitas Edisi ke-8 ini memfokuskan pada perawatan wanita selama masa produktif untuk memil…
Buku Ajar Keperawatan Medikal-Bedah Edisi 5 ini ditulis dengan pendekatan berpikir kritis dalam asuhan kepada pasien. Lengkapnya pembahasan yang diberikan membuat buku ini perlu disajikan dalam Iim…
BAGIAN II Pola Nutrisi dan Metabolik UNIT 4 Respons Terhadap Perubahan Struktur dan Fungsi Integumen BAB 15 Mengkaji Sistem Integumen BAB 16 Asuhan Keperawatan Pasien yang Mengalami Gangguan I…