Table of Contents: Chapter 1: Technology in The Discruption Era Chapter 2: Digital Economy Chapter 3: Digital Business Platforms Chapter 4: Digital Marketing Management Concepts Chapter 5: D…
Marketing Communication is an activity carried out by the marketing department and communication, which in these activities are marketing and communication synergize in planning, introducing, and…
Development of information technology is developing very faster now influencing the community in supporting various business activities both large and small to be known globally. The most obvious …
This is a Place where students can use their skills to log onto this book's dedicated to support and compliment our third edition textbook. his book-spesific site is updated monthly throughout the …
From the American Marketing Association, the world's largest and most comprehensive professional association of marketers, comes the AMA Marketing Toolbox series, a unique source of information, id…
This new edition includes in-text and boxed examples, as well as chapter cases, global issues, technology, ethics, and applied decision making. Other marketing themes include critical and current i…
International Edition has proven to be the premier teaching and learning solution for principles of marketing courses. This best seller only grows stronger with each groundbreaking new edition, bui…
Intrumen musik individual, seperti saksofon, terompet, atau piano, dapat dimainkan solo dengan sangat indah, dan bahkan efeknya semakin mempesona jika diramu secara terampil dengan berbagai instrum…
The author team brings extraordinary experience to the development of their text. For example, they have benefited from the feedback of many users of the first edition of Marketing in Asia.
Bearden et al. take a cutting edge approach to marketing. This text continues to be a leader in the coverage of the most recent marketing thought
The excitement, challenges, and controversies of global marketing. Global Marketing strives to reflect current issues and events while offering conceptual and analytical tools that will hel…
This book uses a three-pronged framework to organize the discussion of how to conduct global business: foreign entry, local marketing and global management. Johansson seeks to develop the varied sk…
This book is dedicated to the development of decision-making skills in marketing. The material introduces concepts and tools useful in structuring and solving marketing problems, while class tested…
In this book, there are eight sections which have the core of separate discussion and the core is explained in the form of chapters. In the first part, we will understand what marketing management …
SME adalah sebuah model yang diredefinisi, komprehensif, dan sedehrana, naum sangat solid.
This tool for business success in the twenty-first century furnishes bright, ambitious managers with a solid grounding in MBA-level marketing theory and practice. Fully updated and expanded, this n…
Buku ini ditulis dalam gaya komunikatif dan lincah sehingga isinya ,udah dicerna baik oleh yang menggeluti bidang pemasaran maupun orang awam
Dalam dunia yang sangat kompleks tempat kita hidup sekarang ini, tidak seorang pun dari kita yang tidak perlu mengetahui pemasaran.
Era sembilan puluhan ditandai oleh perkembangan dramatis dalam pemasaran. Perubahan demografis, gaya hidup, perkembangan teknologi komunikasi, dan lunturnya loyalitas konsumen terhadap merek produk…
here are 8 parts in total (with 3-4 chapters per part): 1: marketing and its environment 2: target markets 3-6: product, price, distribution, promotion 7: marketing in special fields 8: managi…
"Services Marketing" recognizes that services present special challenges that must be identified and addressed in real circumstances. The heart of the book's content is to develop strong customer r…
Kemajuan teknologi infromasi ternyata bukannya menjadikan penduduk bumi seperti robot, tapi justru sebaliknya menjadi manusia seutuhnya yang pekat dengan emosi dan perasaaanya. Penduduk bumi bukann…