Very Near Fine in Near Fine DJ: The Book shows a very mild bump at the lower rear corner tip; the binding is square and secure; the text is clean. The DJ shows only the mildest rubbing; unclipped; …
The ancient history of Indonesia is presented alongside colourful illustrations, photographs and maps, creating a fascinating resource on Indonesia's rich and ancient culture.
A beautiful set of colorful and historical books that is sure to delight your friends and family.
A beautiful set of colorful and historical books that is sure to delight your friends and family.
Culture & Values (3/e) combines even-handed coverage of literature, art, music and philosophy with sociological insight into the daily lives of the women and men of western civilisation.
Thoroughly updated throughout, this new edition of The World Since 1945 traces the major political, economic, and ideological patterns that have evolved in the global arena from the end of World Wa…
Excellent world history reference works containing the authors' informational text as well as direct quotes or citings form famous and infamous historical figures.
From Wikipedia: A play is a form of literature written by a playwright, usually consisting of scripted dialogue between characters, intended for theatrical performance rather than just reading. The…
Buku ini adalah kelanjutan dari Alfa dan Omega 1 (Sejarah Para Nabi pasal 1 37). Oleh karena itu, walaupun halamannya dimulai lagi dari halaman 1, tetapi isinya dimulai dari pasal 38, sebagai lanju…
“Sungguh, Tuhan ALLAH tidak berbuat sesuatu tanpa menyatakan keputusan-Nya kepada hamba-hamba-Nya, para nabi.” Amos 3:7. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia akan kebenaran dan keselamatan, maka Al…
Kini kitab sejarah gereja dipersembahkan kepada umat kristen di indonesia dalam cetakannya yang kedua. Uraian sejarah gereja ini berusaha memandang dan memperbincangkan perkembangan gereja kristus …
Buku pelajaran ini disusun untuk memenuhi keperluan para pelajar dan mahasiswa akan sebuah buku pelajaran yang ringkas, tepat dan 'up to date' tentang sejarah perjuangan pergerakan kebangsaan indon…
Turki dan Mesir merupakan dua negeri dengan warisan sejarah yang sangat kaya. Keduanya sama-sama berada di dua benua, sama-sama menjadi saksi dari kejayaan peradaban Islam. Kedua negeri ini bagaika…
As in his earlier recreations, Bay of Pigs & The Passionate War (Spanish Civil War), Wyden relies on novelistic touches drawn from interviews to spice up a story already well known. Here, too, we'r…
A beautiful set of colorful and historical books that is sure to delight your friends and family.
A beautiful set of colorful and historical books that is sure to delight your friends and family.