In this book thinking is associetes with the whole man. it is not restricted to the cognitive domain alone. it embraces imagination, it includes thinking to some purpose.
This wasa powerful approach to teacher ducation. It held almost undisputed sway for twenty years. It ended with a crash in 1930-1934 as economic depression, among others factors, lowered the boom o…
the firist edition of this book was a pioneer venture. its central theme was well expressed in its title.
Winner of the prestigious AJN Book of the Year award, Teaching in Nursing is a key resource in the dynamic structure and function of preparing the nurses of the future for teaching careers. Faculty…
A History of English Language Teaching This book is an account of the teaching of English from the Renaissance to the present day, made highly readable by the author's style, overall plan, and j…
Banyak orang, termasuk guru beranggapan setiap kesa- maan (similarities) bukan suatu perbedaan (differences), tetapi sesungguhnya di dalamnya tetaplah memuat keunikan khusus. Ilmu genetika denga…
"There are many excellent books on college and university teaching, but Teaching Alone, Teaching Together makes a uniquely valuable contribution. Jim Bess has produced a scholarly, intriguing, revo…
This Book is a two-book course for students who have a practical need for English in their work or social life. Many such students may have learned some English before but will have forgotten most …