This book ilustrates in a practical way avariety of statistical methods, from simple to complex, to help you analyze data sents and uncover important information.
Kemajuan teknologi informasi memungkinkan penggunaan metode statistik tingkat lanjut yang sangat bermanfaat untuk menjelaskan hubungan antarvariabel yang kompleks, seperti Structural Equation Model…
Some may think this book is really `Innovation for Dummies,' but it is not. Dummies learn by rote. Innovation requires much more, which for me, the starting points are a lively curiosity and a real…
Pada buku ini dibahas berbagai asperk organisasi dan arsitektur komputer dari mulai komputer yang sangat sederhana sampai komputer modern. Buku ini cocok untuk mahasiswa matakuliah Computer Organi…
We welcome you to the First International Conference on Arts and Technology (ArtsIT 2009), hosted by CSIE of the National Ilan University and co-organized by the National Science Council, ICST, Col…
This book gives a good overview of the project management process in general with a focus on Information Technology projects. Though structured like a textbook (and obviously intended as one) the g…
Firms with superior IT governance have more than 25% higher profits than firms with poor governance given the same strategic objectives. These top performers have custom designed IT governance for …
Pendekatan praktis, tingkat keterbacaan yang sangat tinggi, kekinian, dan sistem berpikir kritis tiga tingkat. Dalam buku edisi 7 ini mendeskripsikan teknologi pribadi yang berkembang pesat dari po…