Luthans: Organizational Behavior was the first mainstream organizational behavior text on the market and continues its tradition of being the most current and up to date researched text today. The …
Study of organizational behavior cannot be undertaken in single discipline, it is necessary to provide multidisciplinary, behavioral science perspective to it. Although there are areas of overlap a…
This document is one of five volumes of technical reports resulting from abroad scientific inquiry about television and its impact on the viewer.
Robbins & Judge, unlike any other author team, provide the research you want in the language your students understand. We’ve strengthened our team. YOU be the Judge.Effective management of emotio…
"Consumer Behaviour", 7/e by Peter and Olson provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform consumer analyses that can be used for understanding markets and developing effecti…
he book provide an overview of the major challenges and the paradigm shift facing management now in the twenty-first century. present the social cognitive model of organizational behavior that ser…
Steve Robbins and TIm Judge understand the importance of connecting concepts to students personal lives and real vusiness scenarios.
This edition explains how emotions are the foundation of employee motivation, attitudes, and decisions; how social networks generate power and shape communication patterns; how self-concept influen…
McGraw Hill Education, 2012. 4th edition. Softcover. New. Designed to facilitate active learning, Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices meets the needs of instructors looki…