This book helps readers understand the reasoning by which findings from sample data can be extended to general conclusions to solve business problems. It discusses statistical methods and includes …
The Model of business world today is a dynamic one and a peculiar one, too. The businessman creates change and must adjust to change. He lives in an uncertain world that is partly his own making. …
With this book, readers learn how to break out of old patterns that are now outdated and slowing down progress. Joel Barker shares his ideas for change that he has taught to thousands of executives…
Ketika seseorang terjun ke dalam dunia Bisnis dan perbankan, Kemamapuan bahasa inggris yang dibutuhkanny ahrus mencakup pengetahuan mengenai istilah bisnis dan perbankan dalam perbankan yang sangat…
This best selling course has been thoroughly revised to meet the needs of today's business and economics students. The English for Business Studies Third edition Teacher's Book offers thorough guid…
Market Leader is the major business English course for tomorrow's business leaders. Incorporating material from the Financial Times©, it bring business right into the classroom.
The Teacher's Resource Book provides a general introduction to the course, detailed teaching notes, the business background to each unit, a text bank of extra reading texts and a Resource Bank of p…
Now students of all abilities can feel comfortable and confident in any business situation with the language program designed especially for them! Developed in association with the Financial Times,…
Pengantar bisnis merupakan salah satu mata kuliah terpenting yang mempengaruhi masa depan banyak mahasiswa terlepas dari jurusan yang mereka ambil. Konsep-konsep dasar bisnis seperti penciptaan ide…
The bestselling first edition of The McGraw-Hill Guide to Starting Your Own Business sold more than 75,000 copies, and took the reader step-by-step through the entire process of starting a new vent…
Pengantar Bisnis merupakan salah satu mata kuliah terpenting yang memengaruhi masa depan banyak mahasiswa terlepas dari jurusan yang mereka ambil. Konsep-konsep dasar bisnis seperti penciptaan ide,…
Operating any business is complex and challenging, but it provides interesting, creative, and rewarding experiences. "Small Business Management, Fifth Edition", takes a practical and down-to-earth …
1. Introduction to Chapter 1 Planning a BusinessMultiMedia by Stephen M. Peters © 2001 South-Western College Publishing 2. Sasaran Pembelajaran Identifikasi stakeholders kunci yang terkait den…
This practical introduction to data communications takes a "top down" approach that starts by first determining business objectives and then developing a system to meet those objectives. Updated th…
Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach (5th Edition) by Uma Sekaran, Roger Bougie Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach,5th Edition is a concise and straightfor…
Global Business Today has become an established text in the International Business market for its excellent, but concise coverage of the key global issues including the cultural context for global …
build your own business plan by completing the step by step activities on this CD. each activity offers suggestions for looking up relevant key terms and concepts via hypertext book chapters, viewi…
build your own business plan by completing the step by step activities on this CD. each activity offers suggestions for looking up relevant key terms and concepts via hypertext book chapters, viewi…
International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition, 12th Edition, by Ball, Geringer, Minor and McNett continues to be the most current, objective and thorough treatment of International Bu…
International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition, 8e, continues to be the textbook of choice for instructors who want comprehensive coverage. It is the textbook of choice for adopters wh…
This text is far superior to others. --Bob Muir, Coastal Carolina Community College The primary reason I chose to use the Fry book was the fact it is organized quite differently than the other Int…
Whether it is your responbility to write messages yourself or to transcribe those of someone else, your command of English is essential to your success in business, Your study of Business English w…