Edisi kelima buku Akuntansi Keuangan tulisan Robert Libby, Patricia Libby, dan Daniel Short ini berisi materi yang merupakan pengembangan dari kebanyakan buku teks akuntansi. Penulis mencoba menjel…
it is a series of cases. at the end of each chapter are several cases, and many of the cases iinclude different audit scenarios. some of the cases are carried throughout the book, to illustrate how…
This edition of Essentials of Financial Management offers a balance of clear concepts, contemporary theory, and practical applications in a dynamic text that sets high standards for quality, reliab…
edisi kesepuluh ini menguraikan berbagai pembahasan penting, antara lain mengenai penggunaan data akuntasi, operasi pasar-pasar keuangan, penentuan harga sekuritas, dan sebagainya guna membantu mah…
The clear market leader in the corporate finance course, this text filled a very definite need for a MODERN corporate finance text back in 1983 when the first edition was published. It is known for…
Buku ini pasti dapat menyumbang kepada dunia akademik yang menyelidiki dan membahas tentang pengurusan sumber daya manusia. Bahkan, dalam zaman teknologi maklumat yang berteraskan kepada penggunaan…
The Tenth Edition of Human Resource Management" continues to present both the theoretical and practical aspects of HRM. The theoretical material is presented throughout the textbook and highlighted…
This book contains a wealth of management wisdom which has been offered and accumulated by several generations of both scholars and practicing managers. I sincerely hope that it proves valuable to …
Wayne Cascio's "Managing Human Resources, 7/e", is perfect for the general management student whose job inevitably will involve responsibility for managing people. It explicitly links the relations…
The human resource components of most organizations have become more diverse and more sophisticated. in addition, other significant changes continue to occur in the HRM area.
or undergraduate and graduate courses in Organizational Behavior and Organizational Psychology in Management and Psychology departments. This text takes a balanced approach to Organizational Beh…
DI indonesia,sesungguhnya konsep tentang CSR secara filosofis sudah tertanam dalam jiwa pancasila dan Pasal 33 Undang Undang Dasar 1945. Oleh karna itu Undang-Undang No 25 Tahun 2007 tentang penana…
As the business environment continues to rapidly change, Dan Reid and Nada Sanders have developed an integrated approach that makes the introductory OM course accessible and engaging for all busine…
Organising and Managing Work takes as its starting point the everyday practices of people at all levels in organisations as they manage their work. It encourages the reader to use and judge organis…
This is a Place where students can use their skills to log onto this book's dedicated to support and compliment our third edition textbook. his book-spesific site is updated monthly throughout the …
Buku ini disebut manajemen pemasaran internasional. Digunakan di fakultas ekonomi jurusan manajemen S1. Mahasiswa S2 manajemen atau Magister Manajemen (MM) menggunakan buku ini. Isinya mengenai pen…
From the American Marketing Association, the world's largest and most comprehensive professional association of marketers, comes the AMA Marketing Toolbox series, a unique source of information, id…
"Modern Financial Management", by Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe is a popular textbook that emphasizes the modern fundamentals of the theory of finance, while providing contemporary examples to make …
Buku ini disusun agar bisa digunakan sebagai pegangan bagi manajer keuangan dan para mahasiswa untuk memahami secara mendalam ilmu manajemen keuangan. Buku ini sengaja ditulis tidak terlalu berat d…
Synopsis As the long-time #1 best-seller, Garrison has helped guide close to 3 million students through managerial accounting since it was first published. It identifies the three functions manage…
Alan Marcus is professor of finance in the Wallace E. Carroll School of Management at Boston College. He received his PHD in Economics from MIT in 1981. Professor Marcus recently has been a visitin…
This study aid provides suggestions for studying chapter material, summarizes essential points in each chapter, and tests students' knowledge using self-test questions and exercises.
For undergraduate and graduate Management Information Systems courses. This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to in…
The eighth edition is designed for business students who are or who will soon become business professionals in the fast-changing business world of today. The goal of this text is to help business s…
Buku Metode Penelitian untuk Bisnis edisi ke-4 ini adalah salah satu buku teks yang paling banyak digunakan dalam mata kuliah metodologi penelitian maupun oleh mereka yang melakukan penelitian. Sep…
Our goal in writing this book is to make the study of statistics interesting and relevent for operating successfully in competitive business environment.
Expect superior, balanced coverage of both qualitative and quantitative marketing research with this market-leading text from respected marketing authorities Dr. Dawn Iacobucci and Dr. Gilbert Chur…
Sinopsis Buku Tujuan sains manajemen adalah menyelesaikan masalah terkait pengambilan keputusan yang dihadapi seorang manajer. Pada pelaksanaannya, sains manajemen menggunakan aplikasi matematis…
Understanding the Research Process
Buku ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dasar yang diperlukan untuk memahami konsep sistem informasi manajemen secara terstruktur dan terpadu, memberikan juga pengetahuan dasar yang diperlu…