This new edition includes in-text and boxed examples, as well as chapter cases, global issues, technology, ethics, and applied decision making. Other marketing themes include critical and current i…
This comprehensive text provides an engaging look into new and traditional strategic management topics. Wheelen and Hunger's thorough coverage of topics helps students develop an understanding of t…
This comprehensive text offers an engaging look into new and traditional strategic management topics. Its thorough coverage helps students develop an understanding of the wide range of theories and…
Strategic Management at all levels. Also courses in strategic marketing, organization theory, decision theory, public administration, and political science departments. Breaking away from the tradi…
Produk dalam negeri dengan keunggulan komparatif dan kompetitif, kian mampu bersaing bebas dalam perekonomian dunia. Namun, Pasar Internasioanl yang kian terbuka juga menimbulkan ancaman masuknya p…
A long-time market leader in this discipline, Slack has set the standards in Operations Management which other textbooks seek to emulate. Expert authorship, an engaging writing style, and an intere…
Bateman and Snell have consistently discussed and explained the traditional, functional approach to management, emphasizing how managers use planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. But Bate…
Corporate Information Strategy and Management: Text and Cases 8/e by Applegate, Austin, and Soule is written for students and managers who desire an overview of contemporary information systems tec…
Sebuah sistem informasi manajemen, atau SIM, adalah sebuah sistem informasi yang selain melakukan semua pengolahan transaksi yang perlu untuk sebuah organisasi
Management Information Systems for the Information Age, 3rd edition maintains the unique overall approach of the successful second edition: the right mix of traditional and leading edge topical cov…
Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm: International Edition Laudon & Laudon Edition: 10 ISBN: 9780131579842 ISBN10: 0131579843 Format: Paperback ; 736 pp Published: 15/02/2007 …
Buku ini berisi 12 studi kasus dengan latar belakang perusahaan yang ada di Indonesia, yang disusun oleh Case Center Department Manajemen FEUI. Buku ini sangat tepat untuk mahasiswa, stsaf pengajar…
This new 8th Edition of "New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century," is a significant update from the 7th edition, yet it still maintains the market defining "Timmons Model of the…
International Edition has proven to be the premier teaching and learning solution for principles of marketing courses. This best seller only grows stronger with each groundbreaking new edition, bui…
Buku ini diilhami oleh berbagai pandangan, pengalaman penulis dalam berbagai kegiatan, pendapat dari pakar, utamanya pakar dalam bidang Management Sumber Daya Manusia.
Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm: International Edition Laudon & Laudon Edition: 10 ISBN: 9780131579842 ISBN10: 0131579843 Format: Paperback ; 736 pp Published: 15/02/2007 …
Buku ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuaan bagi manajer dalam industri jasa tentang bagaimana sistem akuntansi berkembang, di pelihara, dan menyediakan informasi keuangan. Analisis manajerial…
Buku ini akan membantu Anda menyusun rencana bisnis yang cermat, termasuk mengetahui strategi, targeting, positioning, di tengah-tengah ketatnya persaingan. Buku ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk memenan…
This book contains the latest research and cases of well-known and not-so-well-known companies dealing with complicated strategic issues.
Dalam buku ini dikemukakan tentang perspektif metode penelitian kualitatif, kuantitatif dan kombinasi.
Memberikan Anda pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan untuk meraih kesuksesan di dunia bisnis! Akuntansi Manajemen edisi ketujuh memberikan pembahasan yang mendalam atas topik-topik tradisional seperti job …
In this book, you will see an integration of both "Traditional" knowledge and "state of the art" knowledge. We have combined knowledge about business, the profession, information customers, informa…
International Financial Management, 3e is to teach students how to be effective global financial managers. The text covers the fundamentals of the macroeconomic environment of international financi…
The author team brings extraordinary experience to the development of their text. For example, they have benefited from the feedback of many users of the first edition of Marketing in Asia.
For Principles of Management courses.REAL Managers, REAL Experiences: Bring management theories to life! This bestselling principles text vividly illustrates management theories by incorporating th…
Business Math Essentials is a brief, workbook style text for the first course in business math. This nine chapter, paperbound book begins with "The Basics" (addition, subtraction, multiplication an…
This edition highlights the major enterprise applications and technologies that are being used for achieving digital integration and enhancing organizational performance. It also calls attention …
Buku ini akan memberikan pelajaran bagi kita bagaimana macam-macam langkah dan keterampilan yang penting untuk menjadi seorang perawat perawatan di rumah yang profesional, diantaranya : pentingnya…
buku ini memberikanpengetahuan agar : 1. Bekerja dengan orang MemahamiperilakuOrganisasi Definisi.Sudutpandangadministrasi Sejarahperkembanganperilakuorganisasi Asal-usulsejarah.Perkembanganaw…
Buku Pengantar Manajemen ini di desain untuk memperkenalkan mahasiswa tentang manajemen dalam buku Pengantar Manajemen yang didukung berbagai teori dan pendapat ahli, serta rujukan bagi dosen penga…