The seven edition is designed for business student who are or who will soon become business professionals. by teaching student how to use and manage infomation necessary to become skilled knowledge…
Business Processes represent one of the core assets of organisation for many reason.they have direct impact on the attractiveness of products and servis,influence costumer experiences and ultimatel…
The book designed ti help the leader learn marketing management concepts and apply them to solves business problems. Marketing is the driving force that helps firms succeded in the new are of the i…
Mengelola sumber daya manusia dalam organisasi akan menjadi lebih penting secara signifikan mengingat sumber daya ini segera menjadi asset yang paling penting dan merupakan alat untuk mendapatkan …
Management Control Systems helps students to develop the insight and analytical skills required of today's managers. Students uncover how real-world managers design, implement, and use planning and…
"Services Marketing" recognizes that services present special challenges that must be identified and addressed in real circumstances. The heart of the book's content is to develop strong customer r…
Over the past three decades, more and more nursing educators have turned to Lewis: Medical-Surgical Nursing for its accurate and up-to-date coverage of the latest trends, hot topics, and clinical d…
Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Edisi 11 ini memberikan konsep, kajian, dan kasus ' kasus untuk mata kuliah sistem pengendalian manajemen. Buku ini dirancang untuk memungkinkan para mahasiswa mempero…
Management Information Systems" is recognized for logical organization and clear descriptions. Focusing on the role of managers within an organization, the volume emphasizes the development of comp…
Riset kualitatif memegang peranan penting sekaligus potensi besar dalam studi hubungan masyarakat serta komunikasi pemasaran. Sebab, riset kualitatif memungkinkan periset untuk terlibat secara erat…
In its tradition of being an up-to-date, relevant and user-driven textbook, Kreitner and Kinicki's approach to organizational behavior is based on the authors' belief that reading a comprehensive t…
Manajemen kinerja atau sering dikenal sebagai performance management adalah tentang bagaimana mengelola kegiatan dalam suatu organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Keberhasilan dan kesuksesan…
Organizational Behavior by Fred Luthans was one of the first mainstream organizational behavior texts on the market and continues the tradition of being the most current and up-to-date researched t…
For undergraduate and graduate courses in Strategic Management. Strategic Management in Action, 4/e, clearly illustrates the most current strategic management practices today by presenting theorie…
David’s Strategic Management offers a skills-oriented, practitioner perspective that has been updated with modern cases to reflect current research and strategy. This text covers strategy form…
Business experts, business economists, and organizational psychologists agree that a specific business strategy must be chosen for a corporation to excel. Beyond the strategy, companies must have a…
Spulber's Management Strategy integrates mainstream strategy, up-to-date examples and economic analysis in this balanced, comprehensive, and compelling 1st Edition. In each chapter there are up-to-…
Buku Manajemen Strategis: Formulasi, Implementasi, dan Pengendalian edisi 10 ini merupakan edisi revisi komprehensif yang dirancang untuk mencerminkan perubahan dunia bisnis pada abad ke-21. Disusu…
In their previous book, The Balanced Scorecard, Robert Kaplan and David Norton unveiled an innovative "performance management system" that any company could use to focus and align their executive t…
Buku ini mampu menjawab seluruh kemajuan teknologi modern untuk kecepatan dan ketetapan serta kemudahan menyediakan informasi dalam rangka pimpinan mengatur dan mengendalikan usahanya. oleh sebab i…
Thirty years ago, Jack Trout and Al Ries published their classic bestseller, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind—a book that revolutionized the world of marketing. But times have changed. Compe…
Buku ini merupakan salah satu materi yang digunakan sebagai acuan pembelajaran Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia yang sering disebut MSDM. Selain itu buku MSDM ini juga digunakan sebagai penuntun peril…
Buku ini memberikan peluang bagi instruktur untuk melanjutkan buku yang sama, tetapi dengan kasus yang berbeda. buku ini meliputi: model manajemen strategis , pemeriksaan strategis, manajemen pun…
Today’s competitive workplace demands that managers evaluate employee performance, and provide coaching. Performance Management will help managers prepare for a formal performance meeting with a …
Bagi para pelaku dalam Manajemen Kinerja, persoalan-persoalan yang berhubungan dengan kinerja karyawan merupakan sesuatu yang harus dihadapi. Tidak jarang para manajer kewalahan dalam menghadapi ka…
Setiap organisasi didirikan untuk mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Tujuan tidaklah bisa dicapai hanya oleh pimpinan atau pendiri organisasi saja akan tetapi pasti membutuhkan dukungan dan par…
Leading Strategy Execution demonstrates to senior executives ways they can inspire their employees to execute essential company strategies. Having a good strategy isn't enough to guarantee a compa…