This book presents 46 case studies in finance, targeted toward upper-level undergraduates and introductory and intermediate-level MBA students. The purpose of these cases is to afford the basis for…
The clear market leader in the corporate finance course, this text filled a very definite need for a MODERN corporate finance text back in 1983 when the first edition was published. It is known for…
Alan Marcus is professor of finance in the Wallace E. Carroll School of Management at Boston College. He received his PHD in Economics from MIT in 1981. Professor Marcus recently has been a visitin…
Strategic management is the set of managerial decision and action that determines the long-run performance of a corporation. It includes environmental scanning (both external and internal), strat…
We also faced similar difficulities when we were students, and we understand how you feel. But now, with the Crafting and Executing Strategy
Buku ajar ini merupakan kristalisasi dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh para penulis sebelumnya,sehingga dengan penerbitan buku ini,maka hasil penelitian tersebut akan memberi manfaat …
Buku edisi kedua ini terdiri dari 15 bab di mana empat bab di antaranya adalah materi baru,yaitu mengenai sustainability reporting dan audit lingkungan (bab 12)
Mastering Corporate Finance Essentials: The Critical Quantitative Methods and Tools in Finance (Wiley Finance) by Stuart A. McCrary An essential guide to corporate finance Understanding corp…
A recognized classic, Financial Theory and Corporate Policy provides a concise, unified treatment of finance, combining theory, empirical evidence, and applications. Major contributions in financia…
This book is compromised of 55 articles written by the top researchers and theorists in finance. It is used both as a supplement and as a core textbook in Corporate Managerial Finance and Financial…
Corporate Governance (CG) telah menjadi topik bahasan utama dalam bisnis global seiring dengan meningkatnya kompleksitas dan tekanan persaingan bisnis yang dihadapi perusahaan. Berbagai skandal kor…
Corporate Governance (CG) telah menjadi topik bahasan utama dalam bisnis global seiring dengan meningkatnya kompleksitas dan tekanan persaingan bisnis yang dihadapi perusahaan. Berbagai skandal kor…
Brealey, Myers, Marcus have been applauded for their intuitive approach and imbedded examples. Professors constantly praise their well-organized and thoughtful writing style and their clear exposit…
The best-selling Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (FCF) is written with one strongly held principle that corporate finance should be developed and taught in terms of a few integrated, powerful ide…
Corporate Finance, by Ross, Westerfield, and Jaffe emphasizes the modern fundamentals of the theory of finance, while providing contemporary examples to make the theory come to life. The authors ai…