This book is to present a realistic and organized apporach to financial reporting, with particular emphasis placed on the analysis of the end result of financial reporting - financial statements. S…
Prinsip Akuntansi
The uses of managerial accounting information, especially in regards to decision making, is the main focus of this non-procedural text. Information on the preparation of accounting information is l…
The Working Papers contain accounting forms and rulings for completing chapter problems and Reinforcement Activities. The Working Papers are carefully laid out so that forms for the next problem ar…
This Book contained many multiple answers, essays for advanced accounting
Lembar kerja / latihan tentang prinsip-prinsip akuntansi.
Working Papers for Advanced Accounting
Is an indispensable reference source for thr modern office. The book's text, exampless, and illustrations have all been brought up to date to reflect the most recent technological development in to…
With this fifth Edition, the “Number One” best-selling non-majors microbiology text extends its trusted and reliable approach with improved disease chapters that feature efficient new “Diseas…
Proses manajemen strategis membantu organisasi mengidentifikasi apa yang ingin mereka capai, dan bagaimana seharusnya mereka mencapai hasil yang bernilai
This classic volume presents the conceptual background and analytical tools necessary to understand and interpret financial statements. The emphasis throughout is on the evaluation of financial sta…
This book dedicate to the newspapers of the Pacific West with admiration and respect, editorially and financially encouraged and supported the promotional activities of their respective communities.
Buku ini dapat dimengerti oleh para mahasiswa dengan latar belakgn pengetahuan tentang matematik yang terbatas atau tidak mengikuti kurses matematik selama beberapa kuartal atau semester.
More than 300 perennials are comprehensively described, and each is beautifully photographed, this book is an informative guide to growing and cultivating these glamorous species
the need to introduce accounting students to computer concepts, as well as to specific computer applications, has led many universities to add the Accounting Information Systems (AIS) course to the…
From the preface: Many things are happening in nutrition and these have been included within the scope of the book and limits of space. One of the goals of the book is to stimulate and foster inter…
Daftar Isi Bab 1 Manajemen Strategis: Suatu Kebutuhan Bab 2 Unsur-unsur Manajemen Strategis Bab 3 Lingkungan Umum Bab 4 Lingkungan Industri dan Internasional Bab 5 Analisis dan Diagnosis Int…
Riset ini mutlak dibutuhkan mengingat pesatnya perubahan dan perkembangan yang akan terjadi abad ini. Riset Pemasaran dan Perilaku Konsumen bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah dan peluang; men…
The Nature and Property of Soils is an engaging book for readers. It has an ecological approach that explains the fundamentals of soil science effectively. Chapter topics include Soil Erosion and I…
This volume includes over 700 new circuits commonly used in all phases of electronics. In addition to details on component values, there are descriptions on how the circuits operate and where they …
Electronic Engineering Series. The primary objective of this book--is to serve as the text in modern electronics courses for electrical engineering computer engineering, and computer science studen…
Here, at last, is a truly comprehensive -- and truly international -- guide to the foods of the world. The World Encyclopedia of Food contains articles on some 4,000 foods and beverages, ranging fr…