Modul praktikum ini merupakan modul mandiri bagi mahasiswa dan dosen pengampu untuk lebih aplikatif dalam belajar berwirausaha bagi mahasiswa tingkat diploma. Modul ini dirancang untuk mahasiswa Di…
he Strategy Process is a truly original and authoritative strategy textbook. The author team of Mintzberg, Lampel, Quinn and Ghoshal introduce a richness of theory and practice into this text, offe…
manajemen investasi adalah proses membangun portofolio saham, obligasi, dan instrumen investasi lainnya sesuai dengan tujuan kamu.
Strategic management is the set of managerial decision and action that determines the long-run performance of a corporation. It includes environmental scanning (both external and internal), strat…
Operations management focuses on carefully managing the whole process to produce products or services economically. It utilizes the system view that underlies modern quality management thinking
Akuntansi keuangan pemerintah daerah merupakan bagian dari akuntansi sektor publik yang mencatat dan melaporkan semua transaksi yang berkaitan dengan keuangan daerah yang di dalamnya termasuk ben…
Strategic Management in Action, 4/e is clearly differentiated from other volumes by its conversational writing style, increased use of pedagogy, and emphasis on readers doing strategy. The volume e…
survey of strategic management. Briefest concepts section in the market at 350 pages. Practical, skills focus with over 50 experiential exercises in the concepts portion. All cases are written excl…
Etzel, Walker, Stanton’s Marketing, 12th Edition will continue to be a low-cost alternative in a paperback format, now including free access to PowerWeb. It incorporates technology throughout; in…
Bearden et al. take a cutting edge approach to marketing. This text continues to be a leader in the coverage of the most recent marketing thought
The excitement, challenges, and controversies of global marketing. Global Marketing strives to reflect current issues and events while offering conceptual and analytical tools that will hel…
Luthans: Organizational Behavior was the first mainstream organizational behavior text on the market and continues its tradition of being the most current and up to date researched text today. The …
With its three-pronged approach of concepts, applications, and skill development, MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTALS: CONCEPTS, APPLICATIONS, SKILL DEVELOPMENT gives you a solid foundation of management conce…
McGraw Hill Education, 2012. 4th edition. Softcover. New. Designed to facilitate active learning, Organizational Behavior: Key Concepts, Skills & Best Practices meets the needs of instructors looki…
People and their performance are key to an organization's effectiveness. This review describes an evidence‐based framework of the links between some key organizational influences and staff perfor…
Knowledge Management explores the concept of knowledge management (KM) from a leadership and strategic management perspective, providing a detailed overview of the process of designing and introduc…
introduction to Business Law demonstrates the relevance of key areas of the law to a world of work that the business student can relate to. Students
“Some peoples’ food always tastes better than others,even if they are cooking the same dish . . . because one person has much more life in them—more fire, more vitality, more guts than others…
Investor yang berinvestasi saham di pasar modal akan mempertimbangkan dua hal yaitu tingkat keuntungan dan tingkat kerugian atau resiko. Expected return adalah return yang yang diharapkan oleh inve…
his new edition provides a comprehensive, theoretically balanced, humanistic and student-centered approach to studying social problems. Its widely praised features and pedagogy actively engage read…
pengetahuan dasar bagi mereka yang ingin memasuki (dan tentu memahami akan) dunia investasi, baik itu investasi di sektor aset finansial (financial assets) maupun di sektor aset riil (real assets).
pendekatan yang komprehensif dan seimbang atas berbagai aplikasi manajerial yang saling berkaitan dengan perilaku pelanggan. Edisi ini mencerminkan berbagai hasil riset terbaru dan tren yang terjad…
systematic set of procedures for recording and reporting measurements of the cost of manufacturing goods and performing services in the aggregate and in detail. It includes methods for recognizing,…
mempelajari statistik sebagai dasar pembuatan keputusan
Susunan Dalam Satu Naskah UU PPN Dan PPnBM: Undang - Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1983 Tentang Pajak Pertambahan Nilai Barang Dan Jasa Dan Pajak Penjualan Atas Barang Mewah Sebagaimana Telah Beberapa Kali …
Pengetahuan umum yang baik dalam bidang keuangan merupakan hal penting bagi keberhasilan usaha, dan lingkup kerja seseorang, entah dari bagian pemasaran maupun jasa, berencana melakukan usaha untuk…
Kumpulan Soal & Pemecahan, Walaupun Penting Mengembangkan skill matematika
Variabel Acak Dan Nilai Harapan
Visi, Misi Dan Tujuan Khusus pendidikan di Lingkungan Gereja Masehi Advent Hari Ketujuh
Inspiratif yang Akan Membuat Anda Tahan Banting untuk Sukses dan Bahagia
Isi buku ini mencakup metode,prosedur,dan tehnik penelitian yang secara umum biasa di pergunakan dalam penelitian ilmu sosial dan ilmu natura
Tuntutan masyarakat untuk memperoleh informasi yang tepat
Accountability, Changes and Challenges, Globalization, Public Sector, Value forMoney Audit
Buku ini dimaksudkan untuk memperkenalkan perpajakan sebagai bagian dari disiplin akuntansi keuangan, yang pada dasarnya menitik beratkan pada masalah pokok penggolongan, pengakuan, pengukuran dan/…
Now in its 11th edition, this best-seller is renowned for its excellent blend of theoretical and applied material, comprehensive support package and applicable real-world examples. In addition to i…
This thesis sets out to develop a model of entrepreneurial action that takes its point of departure in entrepreneurs’ experiences of risk-taking, opportunity identification and the role of self. …
This book uses a three-pronged framework to organize the discussion of how to conduct global business: foreign entry, local marketing and global management. Johansson seeks to develop the varied sk…
Student Study Guide to accomapny Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 3/e